The Beginning Of The End Of Child Labour : 2012 - 2015

KAACR was part of the 5 countries i.e. Uganda, Ghana, Morocco, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe and Kenya that carried out a three-year project tiled: Omar’s Dream – The Beginning of the End of Child Labour which was a quest of eliminating Child Labour in Africa in partnership with HIVOS Netherlands. Omar’s dream talks about issues of Child Labour in Africa and how all stakeholders  can work together so that Child  Labour can be  eliminated and thus  giving  more  children an opportunity to get  education. Omar, who is seven years old, works in a tannery in the Moroccan city of Fez. Omar represents over 1.1 million children in child labour in Kenya.

The Objectives of the project which KAACR was the only implementing partner in Kenya were:-

  • To establish Child labour Free Villages in target counties
  • To create awareness on importance of education as a human right among children, parents and villagers to curb child labour
  • Lobby and advocate for government and other organizations to adopt the area-based approach to eradicating child labour.

The key actors of this project that was carried out in four counties i.e. Mombasa, Kisumu, Busia and Kwale were: The government line ministries (DCLC) Child Labour Committees, local political leaders, Children, employers and the Community at large.

The resultant of the project was:-

  • Establishment of eight Child labour Free Villages, two in every county i.e. Machakos – Kathiani and Kaseve, Busia – Bwiri and Mudembu, Kisumu – Obwolo and Obunga, and Kwale – Tiwi and Mkwakani. This was achieved through improving relationships and networks formed at the counties, empowered community and the willingness of the community to eliminate Child Labour and make the regions free from Child Labour. 
  • Besides the labour free villages, KAACR also activated the celebration of World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) celebration on every 12 June which had been initiated by KAACR during Child labour Project with ILO.