Strengthening Child Protection Mechanisms In Kenya (2011 – 2015)

KAACR was part of Together for Change Alliance that was geared towards strengthening child protection mechanisms for addressing abuse, neglect and exploitation of children, and ensuring that children grow up in a safe and supportive environment, thus contributing towards the National Child Protection Framework in Kenya. KAACR contributed to the Alliance through ICS by strategically taking lead in ensuring compliance to the existing child-focused legal and policy framework (International and national) that protect children by empowering stakeholders on rights and roles of children and also strengthening institutional capacity, networking and collaboration with child focused agencies and partners.

This programme was in line with Together for Change Alliance Strategic Objective aimed at changing such circumstances for children by 2015 and contributed to achieving KAACR strategic plan 2011-2015.

The objective was to build and strengthen civil society to ensure that: “Children are protected through well-functioning child protection mechanisms which include families, communities, and government taking responsibility to provide adequate care and protection to children”.

To be able to realize the set goals, KAACR has employed the following strategies:-

i. Empowering the duty-bearers to provide care and protection to children:

ii. Building community and family quality child care and protection systems – building structures for child protection:

iii. Advocacy and lobbying: With experience in lobbying government to protect children, KAACR worked through National and Local (County) level NGO structures such as NGO Child Rights Committee and Regional Children Networks in Kenya to contribute towards the implementation of laws, policies that protect children. 

The outcomes of the project were:

  • Enhanced greater protection of children by duty bearers at national & local levels
  • Enhanced capacity of actors to protect children against violation of their rights.
  • Formation of community child protection rings in the project areas
  • Strengthened NGOs networks that protect children in Kenya
  • Increased participation of NGOs in government programmes that protect children
  • Child rights issues became high on the agenda of policy makers.
  • Compliance of Kenya to international requirements of preparation of periodic reports and implementation of concluding observations on all child-related international covenants signed by the government.