Current and Ongoing Projects of KAACR

Informed by the current Strategic plan, KAACR is currently implementing a number of projects in partnership with local, regional and global partners. They include study on Sexual Exploitation of children in Humanitarian contexts that was implemented in partnership with ECPAT International in Kenya, Ethiopia and Iraq, Technology Facilitated Violence Against Children (TVAC) project in partnership with the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Kenya and the Department of Criminal Investigation (Police) in Kenya, leading a coalition of three CSOs on implementing a project on eradicating child labour in domestic settings, Youth Experience of peer-to-peer sexual violence online, social norms and youth-led recommendations for preventions and responses being implemented in partnership with Royal Roads University and TdH Albania, She Lead Project implemented by Plan International, TdH Netherlands, FAWE and DCI Netherlands/KAACR in nine Countries, International Living Water project in partnership with Amity Foundation, changing lives of deprived children and youth in Kenya in partnership with Haella Stitching Netherlands and youth empowerment project in partnership with the United Church of Canada.