Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children (KAACR) is national umbrella body for NGO’s cooperation and exchange of information on children rights in Kenya with a membership of over 250 children agencies in Kenya. KAACR, founded on the basis of the UNCRC, is a registered national umbrella NGO under the National Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) Coordination Act of 1990 in 1995 vide registration No. OP.218/051/9574/433 (attached). KAACR is an NGO with Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (2000), Observer Status with African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) – (2018), member of the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children (2018), local partner of ECPAT International (2019) and is a member of the Supervisory Board of ECPAT International, member of management Board of Eastern Africa Child Rights Network (EACRN) – 2020 and member of Country Steering Committee of Kenya She Leads Consortium.
KAACR envisions a society that protects all the rights of children and youth to survive, develop and participate in all matters concerning them. KAACR’s mission is to advocate for and promote the realization of rights and responsibilities of children and youth in Kenya.
KAACR has been involved with advocacy for sexual exploitation for children for many years since 2006 and on OCSEA work since 2000 during the Disrupting harm Research that was undertaken by ECPAT International, UNICEF Innocenti and International in nine countries. KAACR, being the only member of ECPAT International was the lead agency undertaking the Disrupting Harm Study in Kenya. KAACR lobbied the Kenya government to adopt the recommendations of the report which informed the Kenya National Prevention and Response Plan against VAC (2019 – 2023) and led to development of National Plan of Action to tackle OCSEA in Kenya (2022 – 2026). Since then, KAACR has let a number of initiatives to create awareness on the OCSEA. These include but not limited to creating awareness to just actors through three Access to Justice projects and conducting a study on of SEC in Humanitarian settings in Kenya in partnership with ECPAT International, Technology Facilitated Violence Against Children (TVAC) project in partnership with the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Kenya and the Kenya Police (Department of Criminal Investigation), leading a coalition of three CSOs on implementing a project on eradicating child labour in domestic settings, Youth Experience of peer-to-peer sexual violence online, social norms and youth-led recommendations for preventions and responses being implemented in partnership with Royal Roads University and TdH Albania.
KAACR has experienced tremendous growth that has seen her implement various projects geared towards promoting the rights and welfare of children in Kenya. KAACR has implemented two strategic plans 2001 – 2010 and 2011 – 2015, 2016 – 2020 and we have commenced implementation of 5-year strategic plan 2021 -2025 whose strategic objectives are:
- Monitoring domestication of County, National, Regional and International Child Rights legal framework
- Strengthening networking and building partnerships for increased visibility of Children and youth
- Children and Youth empowerment
- Research, Learning and documentation
- Institutional Strengthening and Technical Support to partners
Our Track Record
Discover how we uplift children's futures in Kenya.
Since its inception, KAACR has taken a lead role among the NGO Community in advocating for and promoting the realization of the rights of children in Kenya. KAACR pioneered the child participation movement in Kenya through establishment of Child Rights Clubs in schools and children’s institutions. KAACR played a lead role in compilation of Kenya’s initial report on the implementation of the CRC with the support of UNICEF Kenya Country Office. Besides the UNCRC, KAACR has been involved in providing information on status of children for compilation and presentation of alternative reports on UN Convention Against Torture, UN Covenant on Social Economic and Cultural Rights (UNCSER) and Kenya’s report to the Human Rights Council besides other UN instruments. KAACR took a lead role in the UN General Assembly Special Session on Children (UNGASS) in New York, USA which culminated in the Outcome Document – a World Fit for Children.
KAACR has undertaken research work and implemented projects in partnership with Save the Children, ICCO Netherlands, HIVOS, Wellsprings Philanthropic Fund, United Church of Canada, ERIKS Partners, Hope HIV UK, KiA Netherlands, ECPAT International, Beijing Children Legal Advisory and Research (BCLACR) among other agencies, that support children-led movements on adolescent health rights, advocacy against negative practices such as early marriage, teenage pregnancies, female genital mutilation (FGM), drug abuse, child participation, Advocating against Child Labour, Child Labour-Free Zones, Alternatives to Corporal punishment, Child Protection, Child Rights Governance and awareness in Kenya, establishment of County Child Rights Networks across the country and sensitization on children rights beyond the borders in collaboration with children agencies in Musoma, Tanzania, Jinja, Kampala and Masaka in Uganda and in Zanzibar. KAACR has also worked with the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) through MWENDO project funded by USAID to conduct Orientation on Sexual Violence against Children (SVAC) to 400 religious leaders from 5 counties in Kenya.
AS a national umbrella body, KAACR has cut out a niche for herself as a leading Child Rights Organization with capacity to infiltrate governments and ensure that they are child friendly, by bringing together a host of different types of agencies into loose structures know as County Child Rights Networks (CCRNs) that are currently found in 22 of the 47 counties of Kenya, empowering children through a child-friendly way of working that has ensured children grow into responsible youth and adults who are responsible and gender sensitive and working with political/elected leaders to ensure they become child-friendly and support budgets at county and national levels. Convening of annual National CSO Sector Advocacy Workshops from CCRNs and children-based agencies is one of the high points of KAACR.
- Empowering children through sustained advocacy efforts.
- Collaborating with partners for impactful change.
- Transforming policies to safeguard children's rights.
Our Current and Ongoing Projects
Showcasing Our Commitment to Change
Informed by the current Strategic plan, KAACR is currently implementing a number of projects in partnership with local, regional and regional partners. They include study on Sexual Exploitation of children in Humanitarian contexts that we implemented in partnership with ECPAT International in Kenya, Ethiopia and Iraq, Technology Facilitated Violence Against Children (TVAC) project in partnership with the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Kenya and the Department of Criminal Investigation (Police) in Kenya, leading a coalition of three CSOs on implementing a project on eradicating child labour in domestic settings, Youth Experience of peer-to-peer sexual violence online, social norms and youth-led recommendations for preventions and responses being implemented in partnership with Royal Roads University and TdH Albania, She Lead Project implemented by Plan International, TdH Netherlands, FAWE and DCI Netherlands/KAACR in nine Countries, International Living Water protect in partnership with Amity Foundation, changing lives of deprived children and youth in Kenya in partnership with Haella Stitching Netherlands and youth empowerment project in partnership with the United Church of Canada.
Inspiring Change
Each initiative reflects our dedication and passion for uplifting communities. We work tirelessly to improve their circumstances.
Empowering Lives
Our programs not only support children, but also foster a sense of hope and opportunity for families to thrive.
KAACR Leadership
Our Structure
KAACR highest decision-making body is the Annual General Assembly, which elects an Executive Board to oversee day-to-day operations of the organization. The Executive Director oversees the running of the secretariat that has 12 staff members of which three women and three men are in senior management. The Annual General Assembly and the Board give policy direction while the secretariat implements policy decision and programmers. KAACR has a management team consisting of the Executive Director, Programme Manager and Programme Coordinators, which formulate the Programmatic direction of the organization for discussion and adoption by the Executive Board.