Enhancing Discipline In Schools Project In Coastal And Western Provinces Of Kenya (2005 - 2007)

In partnership with Banyan Tree Foundation, KAACR carried out a 2-year project on Eliminating Corporal Punishment through non-violent means of Discipline in Kenya

The project goal was – Learning institutions in Kenya fully embrace alternatives to Corporal Punishment in Kenya schools and targeted 50 public primary and secondary schools in Coast and Western Provinces of Kenya. The overall objective was to inform, educate and advocate for elimination of the use of corporal punishment in learning institutions and the adoption of non-violent discipline methods among children, teachers, parents and Policy makers

Specific Objectives were:

  • To increase awareness and understanding amongst teachers, children agencies workers (NGOs & CBOs), education managers, children and parents on child rights, protection of children from physical violence and alternatives to corporal punishment
  • To strengthen the ability of girls and boys to take responsibilities for self-discipline and participation discipline matters in school
  • To strengthen a proactive network of teacher who support and promote the use of non-violent discipline methods in schools
  • To strengthen the campaign on alternatives to corporal punishment by development of advocacy materials and documentation of best practices
  • To establish management systems for coordination, monitoring documentation and evaluation of project goals

Target Groups were:-

  • Teachers, Parents Teachers Associations (PTAs),) Ministry of Education officials, education managers – Ministry of Education officials and NGO CRC Committee members
  • Girls and boys between standard four and eight in public primary schools,
  • Girls and boys in public secondary schools

The Outcomes were

  • Enhanced understanding and application of non-violent positive discipline methods by teachers, education officers, child focused agencies and parents
  • Increased ability of girls and boys take responsibility for self-discipline and participation discipline matters in model project schools
  • An active network of teachers who promote alternatives to corporal punishment and interaction between teachers and children improved
  • Increased visible advocacy work on establishment of model schools that have embraced alternatives to corporal punishment methodology in Kenya