Building Capacity Of Boys And Girls To Manage Their Adolescent Reproductive Health: 2010 – 2011
With the support of Edukans, KAACR undertook a two year project in primary schools in western, Rift Valley and Nairobi provinces on enhancing the capacity of boys and girls to manage their adolescent reproductive health. KAACR used the Rights based approach by establishing Child Rights Clubs in fifty schools in each province through which children were trained as peer educators and peer counsellors and how to manage menses.
The objectives of the project were
- To advocate for child friendly policies on education, HIV/ADIS and adolescent health in Kenya
- To reduce vulnerability of children to HIV/AIDS, STIs, teenage pregnancy, early marriage early child birth, drug and substance abuse and sexual abuse
- To share information on education, HIV/AIDS and adolescent reproductive health through production of IEC materials
- To strengthen management systems and mechanisms of coordination, M&E of the project
The outcomes that were realized were:
- Increased awareness and use of policies and laws on education, HIV/AIDS and ARHR nationally
- Reduced incidences of early pregnancy/marriage, STIs & HIV/AIDS infections among adolescent in target regions
- Build capacity of teachers on child rights, how to run CRCs and ARHRs
The project resulted in KAACR hosting the Going Global Team of 96 adolescent from the Netherlands.