Child Participation In East Africa (2009 - 2012)
KAACR partnered with terre des hommes (TDH) and carried out two projects on child participation i.e. Actualization of Child participation in East Africa and Model projects in child participation.
Actualization of Child participation in East Africa
The purpose of the seven month project on Actualization of Child participation in East Africa was to encourage and mainstream sustainable child participation on structures that support children in TDH partners. The overall objective as to ensure realization of child participation practice is being undertaken by boys and girls in TDH project areas i.e. Nairobi in Kenya, Jinja in Uganda and Musoma in Tanzania
The project resulted in child participation being exercised through poems, storytelling, drawings, and photographs during children celebration days i.e. Day of the African Child and Universal Children Day in the three target areas that were coordinated by KAACR besides printing a children’s diary with children artworks.
Model Project in Child Participation
The purpose of the Model Project in Child Participation was mainstream children’s participation in the project cycles of TDHs partners in EA i.e. in Kenya – Laverna Children Home (Machakos) & Lokichar Children’s Home (Turkana), Tanzania – Youth Alive Club & St. Anthony VCT and Uganda – St. Elizabeth Girls (Kampala) and Buddukiro (Masaka).
The key objective was to ensure that TDH partners project planning and implementation reflects priorities identified by children.
By the end of the one year project:-
- Staff, managers and children from the partner organizations had gained new knowledge, skills and attitudes on child participation after being trained by KAACR from their respective locations
- Children within the project were able to participate in all aspects of project activities of the respective partner organizations
Beside the two projects, KAACR also partnered with TDH to mobilize, coordinate and mark the World Day Against Child Labour national celebration and workshop for children on 2012.