Equipping Orphaned Adolescents On Their Rights: 2009 -2010
KAACR in partnership with HOPEHIV carried out a two year project whose aim was to establishing a pool of well-trained adolescents and youth who advocate for their rights especially those who are orphaned.
Project Objectives were:-
- To train an additional 200 adolescent educators from the two provinces (100 per province) on leadership and advocacy skills from a rights based approach and how they can be the change agents for the communities
- To train 100 teachers and parents from the identified schools on leadership and advocacy skills from a rights based approach
- Initiate establishment of two additional adolescent and mentoring clubs to advocate for the rights of children – one per province
- Coordinate participation of 500 adolescent youth in theatre, media, creative writing, role play, drama and debates in national policy organs
- Strengthen monitoring & evaluation of the project
The Impact was:-
- 200 Adolescent youth were equipped with knowledge and skills on leadership, advocacy and human rights
- Established 40 child rights clubs in the two provinces
- Established two adolescent leadership and mentoring clubs for 200 youth
- 500 Adolescents participated in national youth movements
- 10 radio listening groups on adolescent leadership and mentoring clubs undertaken
- Increased awareness among teachers and parents on leadership, advocacy and effective participation
- Re-designed and printed Child rights Club Facilitators manual distributed to youth and partners
This project helped to concretize the goal of establishing a pool of well-trained adolescents and youth who will advocate for their rights especially those who are orphaned through the linking of the child rights clubs that have been established in project schools to the 2 mentoring club. The project also helped to respond to the new needs that children have identified over the two years and also expand to additional schools in the same two regions. The designing and printing of the Child Rights Club facilitators manual ensured that all club use updated facilitation tools and on that is child friendly and encourages child participation.