Promoting Child Rights Governance in Kenya

Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children in partnership with Save the Children implemented a six-year project: – Child Rights Governance (2011-2013) and Child-Friendly Budgets (2014-2016) project that addresses Children’s Rights holistically, with an emphasis on articles 12, 3 and 4 of the UNCRC.

Children Lead The Way Project (2011 – 2016)

KAACR in partnership with Save the Children through Canada International Development Agency (CIDA) grant participated in a five year (2011 – 2016) Children Lead the Way project given its past experience in advocating for children rights through various child participation initiatives but with specific reference the SCREAM Network and the knowledge gained from MV Foundation, India on Child Labour Free Zones through partnership with Stop Child Labour Campaign International.

The Beginning Of The End Of Child Labour : 2012 - 2015

KAACR was part of the 5 countries i.e. Uganda, Ghana, Morocco, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe and Kenya that carried out a three-year project tiled: Omar’s Dream – The Beginning of the End of Child Labour which was a quest of eliminating Child Labour in Africa in partnership with HIVOS Netherlands

Strengthening Child Protection Mechanisms In Kenya (2011 – 2015)

KAACR was part of Together for Change Alliance that was geared towards strengthening child protection mechanisms for addressing abuse, neglect and exploitation of children, and ensuring that children grow up in a safe and supportive environment, thus contributing towards the National Child Protection Framework in Kenya.

Child Participation In East Africa (2009 - 2012)

KAACR partnered with terre des hommes (TDH) and carried out two projects on child participation i.e. Actualization of Child participation in East Africa and Model projects in child participation.

Establishing Functional National Child Protection System: 2012

KAACR in partnership with Save the Children Sweden is implemented three year project on Child Protection Programme in Kenya aimed at ensuring that the National Child Protection System is institutionalized by key stakeholders. This involved stakeholders in the development of a NCPS strategy that will put on track the continued legal reforms on all matters affecting children in Kenya.

Everyone Race For Survival Project – 2012

Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children (KAACR) was contracted by Save the Children International Kenya to coordinate the 2012 Kenya Everyone Race for Survival Campaign whose aim was to mobilize political will and commitment to increase investment and implementation of long term programmes to tackle hunger and malnutrition.

Building Capacity Of Boys And Girls To Manage Their Adolescent Reproductive Health: 2010 – 2011

With the support of Edukans, KAACR undertook a two year project in primary schools in western, Rift Valley and Nairobi provinces on enhancing the capacity of boys and girls to manage their adolescent reproductive health.

Equipping Orphaned Adolescents On Their Rights: 2009 -2010

KAACR in partnership with HOPEHIV carried out a two year project whose aim was to establishing a pool of well-trained adolescents and youth who advocate for their rights especially those who are orphaned.

Production Of IEC On Social Protection - 2009

Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children (KAACR) is part of the African Civil Society Platform for Social Protection whose other partners in Kenya are: – HELPAGE Kenya, Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN) and United Disabled Persons of Kenya (UDPK).

Recy Network Secretariat Hosting: 2008 - 2009

KAACR was selected to be secretariat of RECY Network and spearheaded the implementation of a one year project on interventions geared towards empowering communities in Mombasa

EDUCAIDS Partners In Kenya (2008 -2009)

KAACR was the leading agency in Kenya for the Educaids partnership composed of:-  International Child Support (ICS) – Africa, Kenya AIDS Ngo’s Consortium (KANCO), Life Skills Promoters (LISP), National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), Organization of African Instituted Churches

Facilitation Of “Tunaweza” Teachers' Training on Leadership Skills For Children - 2008

KAACR was contracted by Plan Kenya to facilitate the implementation of Tunaweza Project that was aimed at empowering children and young people to unleash their potential in Kilifi County DA.

Promotion Of Children Participation In Preventing WFCL: 2006 - 2008

KAACR in partnership with ILO/IPEC carried out a two year an Action program on Child Labour project to support the National Plan of Action through promotion of children participation in preventing WFCL using SCREAM and capacity building for IPEC implementing partners.

Enhancing Discipline In Schools Project In Coastal And Western Provinces Of Kenya (2005 - 2007)

In partnership with Banyan Tree Foundation, KAACR carried out a 2-year project on Eliminating Corporal Punishment through non-violent means of Discipline in Kenya.